The challenges of working for a UK Company whilst living overseas
5/06/2019 - JMS Consulting Engineers

Panagiotis (Panos) Manios is a Greek consultant who works on UK construction projects for JMS Engineers in Greece. Here, Panos explains the challenges he faces working for a UK based company, while living overseas.
“The first two words that spring to mind when describing my work are interesting and challenging.
“Interesting, because the range and variety of projects I have worked on in the UK have varied massively. And I’m not just talking about size and scale – you certainly have that of course – but also the sheer range of materials that can be used, often in a single project, and the skills required to make sure they all work together smoothly. It is never boring because each project is so different from the next.
“One of the big differences between Greek and UK construction practices is the simple fact that there isn’t much need to worry about earthquakes in the British Isles. That gives you a lot more flexibility and versatility when it comes to structural solutions.
“And it isn’t just the variety of the projects I find interesting, it’s also the clients. People from all over the world do business in the UK, and that often means they are also involved in the construction of buildings too. So I’ve been fortunate to work with people from different nationalities, and be part of the many exciting and ambitious construction projects that are happening as part of that international investment. It has really opened my eyes to different cultures.
“What have I learned since working for a UK company?
“Good teamwork and cooperation are important, for a start. And in this industry, you need dedication and commitment to produce fine results, and have satisfied customers. And if you have those skills, there are plenty of amazing projects to work on, thanks to the UK economy being stable and growing. I personally find it inspiring, as well as being a constant and fulfilling challenge, and that is why I love to work for a UK company.”
Panagiotis (Panos) Manios is a Snr Structural Engineer at JMS Consulting Engineers Ltd. He has a master’s degree in Structural and Civil Engineering and a MSc (Structural Eng.) in “Earthquake-Resistant Design of Structures” along with 15 years of experience in the assessment, design and construction of structures and bridges.
Panos is currently responsible for the day to day running of the structural section of JMS Group in Greece.
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