JMS are resuscitating our ailing health services
4/10/2018 - JMS Consulting Engineers

We are fortunate to have a healthcare service in this country that looks after us. Yet the reality is that our hospital’s ageing buildings are straining and struggling to cope with overcrowding. Fortunately, JMS Consulting Engineers are leading the way in keeping our health services healthy. Their innovative plans to design and build sustainable community health centres throughout the UK is proving the outlook for our healthcare system is far rosier than the tabloids would have us believe.
The Suffolk based civil and structural engineering firm are providing environmentally friendly and architecturally striking construction solutions which will allow the healthcare sector to continue to do their vital job more effectively, and closer to our homes. And all without throwing more of our tax money at the increasingly expensive older buildings our health services currently rely on. It is part of a major nationwide project to deliver life-saving healthcare to those who need it most and within their own community.
Building a better future
For years the NHS has been looking at ways to reduce overcrowding at hospitals. If you have ever been to A&E, you will have seen how much pressure is put on doctors, nurses and support staff, whilst waiting times have continued to increase for patients.
“The government have been looking at ways to take the pressure off our hospitals, whilst providing a high-level of care to people nearer their homes for years now,” says JMS’s Andrew Kenyon. “Which is where JMS have come to the rescue. Our engineering teams have been busy designing sustainable, environmentally friendly buildings that will also be architecturally striking. After all, they’re going to have a prominent place in towns and cities throughout the UK. We’ve recently completed another project in the Midlands, and it won’t be the last. We’ve got similar projects in the pipeline all over Suffolk and the rest of the UK.”
A healthy development
As with all of JMS’s projects, the local environment’s health is firmly on the team’s mind. “The first medical centre we developed received an ‘excellent’ rating for environment, economic and social sustainability by a respected research group,” Says JMS’s Bhavin Parmar. “It’s vital that as we continue to find ways to cater to a growing population’s health needs, we do so in a sustainable manner. And that way we’ll continue keep our planet healthy, whilst we look after the health of our population.”
JMS Engineers are heavily involved in many of Suffolk’s major engineering projects. Visit to find out more.
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