Halesworth accountants help struggling families receive some Christmas cheer
Contributed by Lovewell Blake
15/08/2018 - Lovewell Blake
Lovewell Blake – Accountants, Business Advisers and Financial Planners based in Norfolk, Suffolk and Cambridgeshire, will be hosting a Farmers Evening on 17th October at Halesworth Golf Club. The event will be jointly hosted by Suffolk Coastal NFU.
Attending the event will be Patrick Bidwell, Business Manager at Hectare Agritech Ltd, who will be discussing active independent grain marketing and selling livestock online. He will also be talking about products called Graindex and SellMyLivestock.
The evening starts at 7.15 pm for a 7.30 pm start, the talks will be followed by a buffet and the chance for further discussion.
Book your place by calling 01986 873163 or emailing Maxine Vincent
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