IoD Brexit expert offers advice to local business leaders
30/08/2018 - Institute of Directors

The Institute of Directors (IoD) in Suffolk will be hosting an event aiming to mitigate concerns on how businesses can tackle the risks that Brexit may pose in terms of international trade. Hosted by Allie Renison, Head of Europe and Trade Policy at IoD, Allie will be sharing her personal views on all things Brexit, with the opportunity for questions during her presentation.
There is still a lot of uncertainty surrounding Brexit, not least the future for international trading. Earlier this year MPs on the Commons International Trade Committee stated there is a “disturbing lack of precision and clarity about the legal mechanism whereby the Government envisages EU trade agreements with some 70 countries being rolled over”, furthermore a statement made by G20 group of finance ministers last month highlights trade tensions, which could undermine the global economy.
A recent IoD survey has brought this topic to the forefront, revealing that less than a third of business leaders have conducted any contingency planning.
Renison represents the voice of IoD members on EU policy matters to Westminster, Whitehall, and European institutions, highlighting that “the UK does not have to choose between Europe and the Commonwealth. The two blocs offer Brexit Britain different benefits, all of which could help our economy”.
The event will be held on 19th September at Birketts LLP, Ipswich. For further information and to book your place, visit the IoD website.
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