Katch introduces £1 to ride scheme for a limited time
Contributed by East Suffolk Council
13/10/2020 - East Suffolk Council
East Suffolk Council has launched a campaign to reassure the people of East Suffolk that there are robust safety measures in place in the town centres – and encourage them to support local businesses safely and regularly, to keep the local economy healthy.
Working with town councils, business associations and other local groups, East Suffolk Council has compiled information on safety measures, how businesses have adapted, guidance and advice. Supported by The Bridge Marketing, East Suffolk Council has embarked on an informative campaign featuring videos, posters, information packs for businesses and vulnerable adults and a full social media campaign.
Steve Gallant, Leader of East Suffolk Council, explained: “We have been in touch with residents and businesses throughout the pandemic, discussing their concerns and the challenges they face. Businesses have adapted quickly and shown great strength and tenacity. We want to encourage people back into town centres by reassuring them of the safety measures in place and asking them to spend what they can with our local businesses to help them to weather this storm.”
Those seeking further information should visit eastsuffolkmeansbusiness.co.uk where they can find a whole host of information, downloadable packs and where businesses can request campaign materials.
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