Over 40 community groups supported by Area Committee funding
6/06/2023 - Ipswich Borough Council

During the 2022/23 financial year, Area Committees successfully provided £123,000 in funding to 41 community groups across Ipswich.
Skate Suffolk, Headway Suffolk, 29th Ipswich Guides and Landseer Road Methodist Church are some of the groups to benefit from recent funding. Rushmere Good Neighbours Scheme, the Murrayside Community Development team and North-West Big Local Trust also received funding.
The Ipswich Tree Warden Network, Making a Difference (MAD) community initiatives and Ipswich Parks, Play Areas and open spaces have also benefitted from support in the last year.
Ipswich Borough Council’s Executive will consider a report on Area Committee funding achieved in 2022/23 at its next meeting on 13 June.
Councillor John Cook, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Communities and Sport, says:
“Ipswich Area Committees supported 41 projects in Ipswich last year, with £123,000 in funding.
Most of these projects enhanced living, working, or studying in Ipswich, with 26 dedicated to health and support for disabled people in our area. We have also been able to help secure match funding, during a difficult economic time.
We look forward to providing further Area Committee support and investment this year for projects supporting Ipswich residents.”
There are five Area Committees in Ipswich, the Central area, North-East, North-West, South-East and South-West of Ipswich. Each area meets up to five times a year – 22 meetings were held during the 2022/23 financial year, allocating 99% of its available annual funding.
The full Executive agenda and papers can be found online at: Agenda for Executive on Tuesday 13th June 2023, 6.00 pm | Democracy Online | Ipswich Borough Council
Image credit – Ipswich Borough Council
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