IoD Chief Economist to visit Suffolk in January

IoD Chief Economist to visit Suffolk in January

The Institute of Directors’ (IoD) Chief Economist will visit Suffolk in January to offer business leaders an update on the current state of the national and local economy, and the challenges that businesses are facing.

Chief Economist Tej Parikh will be hosting a breakfast event at Fynn Valley Golf Club in Ipswich on Wednesday January 22nd from 8am to 9.30am.

With a newly elected government installed and Brexit negotiations ongoing, the current state of the economy and where the country is heading is on all the minds of all business leaders as they navigate through these uncertain times.

Mr Parikh will give an insight into the economic challenges facing businesses and offer his predictions for 2020. There will also be time for a Q&A session.

The event is open to IoD members and their guests, as well as non-members, who will also have the opportunity to meet and network with other local business leaders over a full English breakfast.

Mr Parikh holds a Bachelors degree in Economics from University College London, and a Master’s degree in International and Development Economics from Yale University.

Prior to joining the IoD, he worked as an economic analyst at the Bank of England and has since been a freelance political risk consultant and journalist, covering Europe and Asia in particular.

IoD members can sign onto the event for £25 + VAT while the price for non-members is £50 + VAT.

For more information and to book go to:

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