Bruisyard Hall has plenty of options for second time around weddings

Bruisyard Hall has plenty of options for second time around weddings

When it comes to second time around weddings, Alan Sabol, GM of country house wedding venue Bruisyard Hall, has plenty of good advice…

If it turns out that your first wedding was just a practice for the real thing, then I don’t need to tell you what it takes to plan a wedding, you already know that. And you’ve probably got very different ideas for your next wedding.

Whether it’s your first, second or fifth wedding, it’s still the biggest day of your life. And whether you decide to refine your original dream, or simply make it an amazing wedding to remember in a unique and beautiful venue, myself and the team at Bruisyard Hall wish you all the best.

Small and perfectly formed

If, like many, you feel like you’ve ‘been there, done that’ with the big wedding, then allow me to offer you an alternative. Where once your budget and plans were beholden to a guest list that included relatives you’ve never seen, friends who’ve dropped by the wayside, and various other wedding dignitaries, this time you can be much more selective. Proceedings can be just as showy, of course, but you can put the pizzazz where it counts. So trim the guest list down to just those who really are your nearest and dearest.

Bruisyard Hall lends itself to these kinds of events, because when you book the venue, you get sole use of the hall over two or three days.


Get the children involved

Second weddings often come with children, so why not cut staffing costs and put them to work? I’m talking ring bearing and flower presenting, rather than serving champagne, of course. A popular trend in second weddings I’ve noticed with some couples is including a second vow to the children as part of the ceremony.

Bruisyard Hall is perfectly equipped for children, with smaller cot beds available for the rooms.

Marvel at the benefits of midweek

If you’re aiming for a smaller, more intimate wedding this time, you may have more flexibility with your dates. That means it could be worth your time (and certainly money) looking at another growing wedding trend we’ve seen a lot of recently: mid-week weddings. Breaking away from the traditional weekend wedding date and performing your nuptials on a weekday is a great way to enjoy a venue discount, and even get great deals from vendors, as mid-week is usually a bit of a lull from them. Call up Bruisyard, for instance, to talk about midweek wedding dates, and you’ll be surprised at the deals we can offer you.

Email or call 01728 639 000 and let’s talk about your wedding plans.

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