Avanti Networking seeking new members
26/09/2017 - MJB Avanti

Avanti Networking is seeking new members to fill the following open categories;
Ipswich Mixed – Graphic Designer, Beauty Therapist and Hotelier
Ipswich Ladies – Travel Consultant, Copywriter and Image Consultant
Bury St Edmunds Mixed – Web Designer, Florist and Travel Consultant
Avanti Networking aims to provide regular networking meetings that offer a vibrant, professional and supportive environment.
Established in 2009, the networking group offers a well conceived, constructive, networking environment to help local business people meet together to network, gain valuable new marketing skills, and enable them to develop the strong personal relationships that lead to trust and the consequent generation of referral business for each other. Although we promote a relaxed and informal atmosphere there is a serious focus on business generation.
Avanti Networking provides you with the opportunity to create powerful relationships, strategic partnerships & gain relevant skills to help move your business forward. It will very quickly become an indispensable part of your marketing mix.
You can download the Avanti Networking leaflet here. If you would like more information on Avanti Networking contact Emma-Louise here
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