MJB Avanti longest serving colleague delivers aid for Ukraine

MJB Avanti longest serving colleague delivers aid for Ukraine

Henry Goldstein, consultant, and retired partner of MJB Avanti took a couple of days out from his day job advising clients last week to contribute to the humanitarian efforts supporting the displaced people of the Ukraine.

In a shift from the 9-5, Henry and a friend worked with local fundraisers to gather humanitarian aid including medical supplies, clothes, bedding and toys for children who have had to leave their homes in a bid for survival as Putin continues his bombardment of their Country.  They then drove the 2,200-mile-long journey, across two days, sleeping in their van along the way to Krakow in Poland, where the items they had collected were distributed to assist with the relief effort on the ground in temporary refugee camps.

Henry described the journey as arduous, but also an opportunity to take reflection on the lives we take for granted. “I’m in my 70s so driving over 2,000 miles, and sleeping in our van was no easy feat, but sometimes we have to make ourselves a little uncomfortable to achieve our goals”. With a quarter of the Ukrainian population having fled their homes already, our support is needed far and wide.

Henry commented, “It was a humbling journey that cemented the scenes we view on our news channels and in our papers, it is easy to forget that these are normal people like you and I who only a few weeks ago were going about their everyday lives, the humdrum of the workday, the rat race, the school run, and now their lives are changed forever. The relief efforts are ongoing, so whether it is a donation of physical items, or a cash donation via the many charities working to support the people of the Ukraine, it is easy to see the difference these simple items are making to those most in need”.

MJB Avanti Director, Steve Foster, reminds us that there is tax relief to be claimed where you donate through your Limited Company, claim tax relief by deducting the value of your donations from your total business profits before you pay tax. The rules are different for individuals trading as sole traders and partnerships, where donations are tax free. You should keep a record of any charitable donations made in each financial year.

Don’t forget that Ukrainian refugees need items that cannot easily be exported, and so your monetary donations allow charities to do their vital work on the ground. You can support the relief efforts by donating to the DEC (hyperlink https://www.dec.org.uk/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI16jSmZz79gIVSu7tCh2crA9FEAAYASAAEgLDKvD_BwE ) and claim the tax relief.

Visit www.mjb.co.uk for more information on tax relief and charitable donations.

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