Is it time to rethink your kitchen?

Is it time to rethink your kitchen?

Is your sink out of sync with your oven and fridge? Counting down the hours until you replace your countertop? Tired of your tiles? Here Anglia Factors reveal the tell-tale signs your kitchen is in need of an upgrade.

It’s dragging down the value of your home.

You may love your old kitchen. After all, it’s full of happy memories. However, if you’re thinking of selling, you may need to consider whether your older kitchen is affecting the value of your house. And even if you’re planning on moving in the medium term, it may be wise to get your kitchen done now. After all, you can still enjoy it for a few years, and it’ll look fresh and modern when those potential house buyers come to look around.

You’ve changed, but your kitchen hasn’t.

Are you enjoying hosting dinner parties, but finding yourself isolated in the kitchen whilst the main event takes place in the dining room? Once upon a time having a kitchen easily closed off meant safety for your young children, but now it means you’re missing out on all the fun. Or are you rediscovering a love of all things culinary but stuck with a smaller kitchen that’s hampering your creative efforts? If your lifestyle has changed, but your kitchen hasn’t, an upgrade is the perfect ingredient  to bring things back into step.

The cleaning never ends.

No matter how often you scrub and buff your floor tiles, do they still look murky? Are those countertops full of marks and imperfections that simply won’t wipe away? As kitchens age, their upkeep takes up more of your time, and gives you less back. Surfaces crack and peel over the years and that allows germs and mould to creep in… two good reasons to think about that upgrade.

Everything is far away.

Does your pedometer think you’re running a marathon every time you use your kitchen? Are your fridge, oven and sink too far away from each other? We call these three the kitchen triangle, and an ergonomic kitchen design ensures they’re within easy reach of each other. If they’re not, you may find yourself racking up needless miles on the tiles. Which may sound good on paper for your calorie burning efforts, but calories aren’t the only things that get burned when you’re carrying a slopping a pan of boiling water to the sink. Give your scalded wrists a break and sit down with our design team.

Space is at a premium.

Is your elbow nudging your kettle every time you peel a potato? Are your cabinets so full you’ve taken to storing pots and pans on the counter? Are you having to make choices between a new wine rack and a microwave? This is a big sign that you’ve outgrown your old kitchen. It may be time to rethink your storage arrangements. Even if you don’t want to increase the physical size of your kitchen modern sleek and innovative storage methods can make your space work better for you.

Whether you’re upgrading your kitchen for the sake of a house move, your sanity, or for aesthetic reasons, visit Anglia Factor’s Martlesham showroom or for inspiration.

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