Turn the clock back with a traditional kitchen
23/11/2018 - Anglia Factors

If you’re feeling the call of the traditional kitchen, if modern kitchens, with their chrome finishes and sleek appliances leave you colder than the ice tray in a Miele freezer, then you aren’t alone. The traditional kitchen remains a popular style choice for many, so don’t be afraid to turn the clock back when it comes to redesigning your kitchen.
Here Anglia Factors explain how a traditional kitchen can add charm to your house, invoking a friendly, comforting and welcoming feeling for you and your family.
- Keep your surfaces plain. Wood, marble and stone all make great counter materials in a traditional kitchen. Keeping the wood plain and with a low lustre gives it an authentic look. Decorations and utensils made from restored glass, brass or iron will all add to the traditional effect
- The cooker is queen. When it comes to the traditional kitchen, the cooker is the undisputed ruler. Finding the right appliance is the first step in getting your design right, and everything else comes after. Don’t be afraid to go large. A range cooker is the ideal centrepiece of a traditional kitchen, a talking point as well as a practical and capable place to cook. On the other hand, a rustic style stove can add a lot of character to a traditional space, giving out plenty of heat as you concoct your latest culinary creation.
- Find your island. A central island with a sink, cupboards and drawers is not only the hallmark of a traditional kitchen, but a vital and functional way to increase work surfaces, access and storage space. Don’t forget that going traditional doesn’t mean eschewing modern appliances. Your microwave may not fit in with your traditional look, for example, but it doesn’t have to, because with clever bespoke storage you can simply hide it out of sight.
- Simple colours. Go back far enough, and kitchens were once the place for domestic staff, which meant they were painted practically, rather than for show. Cabinets and walls would be painted a single colour, and often painted by brush, so recreating this look adds to the traditional feel of your cupboards and units
Anglia Factors understand that the kitchen is the heart of your home, and how it looks and feels to you is vital. Our team will help you find the right design for your dream kitchen, whatever your tastes.
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