New affordable homes in Newmarket transform rundown garage sites
Contributed by Flagship Group
13/07/2018 - Flagship Group
Flagship Group are celebrating handing over the keys to their first homeowners at the new housing development in Suffolk.
Ashe Coppice in Campsea Ashe, is a development consisting of 20 new homes – 12 for affordable rent which were completed in 2014 and have been let to local people, and eight for sale with the final four due for completion in July this year.
Mr and Mrs Carney (pictured) picked up the keys to their new four bedroom home earlier this month after retiring to Suffolk from London. Mr Carney said: “We have been looking to relocate from Stratford for the last 10 years. Funnily enough we viewed a house not far from our new home in Campsea Ashe and loved the area, the proximity to the coast, and places like Minsmere and Woodbridge. We were happy to find a brand new home in this location. We love the garden and plot size and are really looking forward to moving in.”
Ashe Coppice is a development of eight detached homes. Tony Tann, Managing Director of Flagship homes (Development) said: “Ashe Coppice will be our first for sale development in Suffolk which we are very excited about. We have replaced the former homes on the site, which were no longer fit for purpose, with a number pf high quality affordable homes and homes for sale.
“The housing sector is ever changing, so it’s important we diversify our offering and think of new ways to subsidise the provision of affordable properties for people in housing need.”
For more information about Flagship Group visit the website.
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