Extension to Ipswich’s public space protection order to be discussed
2/08/2023 - Ipswich Borough Council

Ipswich Borough Council will look at extending the Borough wide Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) for alcohol consumption in designated public places at its next Executive meeting.
A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) is a provision created by the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 (the Act). This replaced the borough wide Designated Public Places Order (DPPO) which was imposed in 2007 and gives Police, including Police Community Support Officers, and other designated officers, the power to take alcohol from anyone who is causing a nuisance in a public place and issue a Fixed Penalty Notice or refer for prosecution (which can result in a fine).
The PSPO does not affect those considerately enjoying a drink in a public area or park.
The existing PSPO in Ipswich ends on 18 November 2023, but Suffolk Constabulary has requested a further three-year extension to counter alcohol-related anti-social behaviour in public places.
The request will be considered at Ipswich Borough Council’s Executive meeting on 8 August 2023, and if supported there will be a public consultation period between 15 August and 9 September 2023.
Councillor John Cook, Ipswich Borough Council Portfolio Holder for Communities and Sport, says:
“The current Public Spaces Protection Order has assisted the Police to deal with alcohol related disorder in our town, while enabling the law-abiding majority to enjoy a drink within our parks and open spaces. Residents and businesses now have an opportunity to have their say on a further three year extension to the Order, and I’d encourage them to back it.”
Full papers for the Ipswich Borough Council Executive meeting on Tuesday 8 August 2023 at 6pm can be found online at: Agenda for Executive on Tuesday 8th August 2023, 6.00 pm | Democracy Online | Ipswich Borough Council
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