How to boost your business with successful PR
10/09/2018 - MJB Avanti

When you have invested in a business, you will want to generate leads as soon as possible. Inevitably there will be costs from day one, and to avoid failure, you’ll need to ensure cash flow, growth and sustainability – so where do you start?
The Avanti Group (UK) Ltd work closely with The Bridge Marketing to provide their franchisees with a PR launch, here they explain how they boost their marketing activities and provides their franchisees’ with a ‘kick-start’.
How do you make your content stand out from the crowd?
- Can you tie in with a human interest story?
- Can you tie in with a regional angle – is there a local issue?
- Do you have an exciting Corporate Social Responsibility policy in place that supports your local community?
Prepare for the media
The work starts before you wow the media with your pitch for an article, having the bulk of work done will mean that all is needed are tweaks here and there. You need to consider that your wording and images do not conflict with each other – check that they offer a clear and strong brand message. Don’t forget to also check that the article meets brand standards.
Targeting your market
Did you know that 90% of people over the age of 15 still listen to radio every single day? If you are offering a product or service with mass market appeal – such as accountancy, consider radio coverage. The Avanti Group (UK) Ltd already have a radio campaign in place with, offering national coverage for us and our franchisees.
Business Networking offers a word of mouth sales force like no other. We ensure each franchise has a networking group within their territory area. Before your networking launch, attend local networking groups to seek out opportunities and create a buzz for your business.
PR must haves
Above all, what are the essentials for ensuring your PR launch has all the elements needed for success?
- Generate interest in your event before, during and follow up after.
- KPIs – keeping record is a way of measuring the success of your campaigns. By measuring you can see what works and what wasted your marketing budget.
- A clear structured plan with objectives, audience and a timeframe.
- Well written content – As an Avanti franchisee, if you are unsure of how to do this the team at the Bridge Marketing can help write your content for you.
Hana Dickinson, Director at The Bridge Marketing, adds: “When you’re building your brand and your profile in a new location, it’s important to consider what your customers need to understand about you, your expertise and the way that you work, to enable them to see the value in getting in touch. Interviews with the business owner, articles offering top tips on topical issues, and case studies with client quotes that demonstrate how you delight your customers are all worth preparing and refreshing regularly so you can pitch them to the media and keep your business top of mind in your target area.
“Most importantly don’t be afraid to get in touch with your favourite publications to build a mutually beneficial relationship. If you can demonstrate to them that you can respond quickly with a topical quote, or deliver well written content with eye-catching images on a regular basis, your chances of getting regular coverage are greatly increased.”
For more information, visit The Avanti Group (UK) website.
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