Body hair removal – why it works for men
19/10/2017 - Crystal Rose Skin Clinic

Rosy Boulton, owner of The Crystal Rose Skin and Laser Clinic, takes a look at the reasons behind body hair removal for men and explains the process.
Historically it’s been women who have removed their body hair as well as professional swimmers or cyclists, but it’s not just sportsmen who can benefit from this treatment.
The most common reason for hair removal during sport is comfort. For example, cycling clothing is usually very close fitting and therefore having an extra layer between the skin and the material allows space for movement and rubbing causing discomfort, chafing, and blisters.
For the non-professional sports people, there are also benefits, it saves time shaving unwanted hair from areas including the chest, back, shoulders, neck or ears. It can also help minimise issues like ingrown hairs.
The Crystal Rose Skin and Laser Clinic use the Lumenis Laser Hair Removal System which is a safe, non-invasive, pain free treatment that permanently reduces hair growth resulting in smooth, beautiful skin.
There is a total understanding of the client’s need for confidentiality and the tucked-away location of Rosy’s clinic offers discretion and luxury in a rural retreat environment.
The treatment is generally administered in a series of 6 sessions that yield excellent results. Significant hair reduction is already visible after the first session.
Immediately after treatment you may experience some slight swelling around the treated area. This is normal as it indicates the hair follicles have responded to the treatment. You should be able to resume normal activities immediately after treatment. You will be advised to stay out of direct sun for a few days and to apply sunscreen.
The unique IPL technology targets the hair follicles and impairs their ability to grow hair. IPL Hair removal is effective on black, brown and red hair. Your hair will be closely shaved away in the areas to be treated and a cold gel applied. As the pulses of light are applied to your skin, you may feel a slight stinging sensation. When the gel is removed, much of the hair is wiped off with it. The remaining hair in the treated area sheds over the next week or two.
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