Muntons growth continues with new European Sales Manager and office in The Netherlands
6/02/2018 - Muntons

Muntons, the Stowmarket based malt and malted ingredient manufacturer has opened a new sales office in Europe and appointed Arthur van der Meijden (pictured) as Malted Ingredients European Sales Manager.
These developments are part of Muntons continued global growth plan, following the opening of other sales offices in the US and Asia.
Neil Pearmain, Sales & Marketing Director at Muntons explains: “This investment into the European market, despite all the Brexit uncertainty, highlights our commitment to current and future business in Europe and the EU.”
Arthur van der Meijden, Muntons newly appointed European Sales Manager, will be based at the office in the Netherlands. A trained Chemist and food technologist, Arthur has spent the past 20 years working in the food ingredient and food manufacturing sectors.
Neil Pearmain, continues: “Arthurs technical background and experience representing international organisations will prove invaluable and we are delighted to welcome him to Muntons.”
Arthur takes up his role this month following a full induction. His territorial responsibility will extend across the whole of Europe as far east as Russia and Turkey.
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