Suffolk hotel and restaurant unveils exciting new menus!
Contributed by The Bell Hotel Saxmundham
9/04/2020 - The Oyster Inn
Tough times can bring out the best in people and we’ve all seen some incredible acts of kindness over the last few weeks, some have been small and meaningful while others are ongoing and logistically tough. One local project needs your help to spread the word to isolated individuals in rural areas.
Local pub owner Jane Palmer from The Oyster Inn in Butley is part of a group of good causes and businesses who are quietly helping to deliver food to people who need it. The Oyster Inn has been working with The Greengrocers in Woodbridge, The Teapot Project and Proctors Sausages, as well as many others to make and deliver prepared meals across East Suffolk.
‘We didn’t even have to reach out to ask for produce to help us create the meals as so many local producers and suppliers have dropped food with us, all free of charge.’ Jane reported. ‘We will try and reach as many people as we can, and have so far delivered to Ipswich, Felixstowe, Leiston and Woodbridge,‘
If you know anyone who would benefit from some assistance right now, feel free to share the phone number 01394 450313 or website address www.theoysterinnbutley.co.uk and complete the form.
Jane added, ‘We are allocating meals on a first come, first served basis, so if you feel you or a loved one need support, get in touch.’
For further information visit the Oyster Reach website.
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