Lobster Bonanza at Milsom Hotels Harwich Hotspot

Lobster Bonanza at Milsom Hotels Harwich Hotspot

To celebrate the local lobster season, The Pier at Harwich is having a Lobster Bonanza from Monday, 5th June, through to Friday, 16th June (excluding Saturday 10th and Sunday 11th June). Freshly caught lobster will be available all day from 12 noon.


During the Lobster Bonanza, all lobsters will be half price, starting at £16 for a medium lobster, and diners can choose to have to have their lobster grilled, thermidor or poached. There is also an offer of a sirloin steak with an add-on of lobster.


Sue Bunting, Marketing Manager for Milsom Hotels and Restaurants, explained: “The lobsters have been rather elusive this year due to the cold spring but, as the temperature rises, the fishermen are delivering lobsters to The Pier almost every day. The Lobster Bonanza is a great excuse to enjoy a delicious local lobster.”


Call 01255 241212 to book a table.

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