Business Membership at Milsom Hotels and Restaurants
1/06/2017 - Milsom Hotels & Restaurants

Milsom Hotels and Restaurants is offering business membership to their Milsom Card scheme for just £200 per year.
The Milsom Card gives businesses a 10% discount on an array of goods and services at all Milsom hotels and restaurants for up to 10 guests, including: all food, all hotel bookings, individual spa treatments, and all meeting room and private room hire. Plus, a complementary upgrade where available, late check out and a variety of one-off benefits throughout the year.
The team has also launched a smart phone app that allows card holders to stay fully up-to-date with exclusive member benefits and discounts. Card holders can use it as a digital version of their Milsom Card, to redeem discounts, and to RSVP to events. It provides easy access to booking links and phone numbers for all Milsom hotels and restaurants.
Individual and joint membership is also available to those who wish to indulge away from work.
For more information visit
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