Alan Boswell Group grows in line with demand
9/01/2018 - Alan Boswell Group

The team at Alan Boswell Risk Management (ABRM), part of the Alan Boswell Group, has expanded less than a year after launch due to unprecedented demand for its services.
The new members of staff, Risk Adviser Rebecca Dingle and Engineering Surveyor Jason Patchett (pictured), joined in June and November respectively.
The expansion means the team, which already provides risk management and engineering inspection services, can provide environmental and marine services alongside existing services, such as health and safety advice, fire, security and motor risk management.
As an engineering surveyor Jason brings a wealth of marine engineering experience to ABRM, having spent 20 years in the Royal Navy, followed by a career in the oil and gas industry.
Risk Adviser Rebecca is a chartered member of the Institution of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and has significant experience providing health and safety support. She also has a history in environmental risk management, so can also help businesses to achieve ISO 14001:2015 accreditation.
Alan Boswell Group Managing Director Chris Gibbs adds: “ABRM has been in demand since it launched earlier in the year. We’re thrilled to see that our clients are so receptive to risk management and ensuring that their businesses are safe places to work. Not only does it reduce the chance of an incident occurring, but it also reduces the chance of making an insurance claim.
“In growing the company, we have added new skill sets to the team and are able to provide our services to an even greater number of businesses. We’re looking forward to seeing ABRM go from strength-to-strength in the months and years ahead.”
Rebecca added: “The most rewarding part of the role is working with people and helping them make improvements to their businesses. The team is also very new and expanding, so it’s an exciting time to be with the company.”
To find out more about Alan Boswell Risk Management, visit the website or call 01603 967900.
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