Over £100,000 awarded and more available for Suffolk businesses
17/08/2017 - BEE Anglia

BEE Anglia have, so far awarded £102,490 in grant funding for various energy efficiency projects worth a total of £375,000 including radiant heating, vehicle tracking, wood burners and lighting. The scope for grant funding has been widened to enable ANY energy efficiency measure to be considered. Approval will be based on being able to demonstrate sufficient associated energy savings.
Grants are available for up to 28% of the overall project cost, up to a maximum of £20,000, with a minimum of £1,000 (approximate total project cost of £3,500).
Cllr Matthew Hicks, Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection at Suffolk County Council said “Supporting that initial investment in more efficient technology means business can make savings year on year – and every pound cut from energy bills is another pound that is kept in the local economy.”
The BEE Anglia project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is being delivered across the region through a partnership of Suffolk County Council, Norfolk County Council, Groundwork and NWES.
The project has three core offers that have been designed to help businesses reduce carbon and save money using independent advice, funding and recognition for their efforts. Find out more by visiting the website or calling the team on 01473 350370.
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