Free Event: How to Improve the Sustainability of your Packaging
24/05/2018 - BEE Anglia

Packaging is one of the key sustainability topics of our time. Single use plastics make the news on a regular basis and there is growing pressure on businesses to reduce and manage their packaging, but where should you start?
At this free event you can join the Co-op and other sustainable businesses to understand how you can improve the sustainability of your packaging. Learn more about the following topics:
- Co-op: how we are working with our suppliers to deliver our packaging strategy
- Four pillars of sustainable packaging: how your business should review packaging
- The future of sustainable packaging
This event is for all businesses in the Suffolk and Norfolk areas. Following the speakers there will be plenty of time for networking and meeting like-minded businesses. Free refreshments will be provided.
Date: Wednesday, 20th June 2018
Time: 09:30 – 14:00 BST
Location: The Co-op, Wherstead Park, Ipswich, IP9 2BJ
Suffolk County Council is currently running the Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia project – a three year, funded programme supporting businesses (SMEs) across Norfolk and Suffolk to become more energy efficient, through audits, grant funding for capital projects and accreditation. As part of the project, the Council are running an energy efficiency leadership programme and holding free events, funded by the European Regional Development fund, for businesses in the Suffolk and Norfolk areas.
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