Suffolk marketing duo out to inspire more women after tech award finals
30/11/2022 - Unity Online

A Suffolk digital marketing company is calling on more women to join the industry after one of its employees won at this year’s DevelopHer Awards.
Both Web Developer Emily Collier and Web Designer Larissa West from Needham Market-based Unity Online were among those recognised at the gala ceremony at Epic Studios in Norwich on Thursday, November 24.
Larissa was nominated for the Eye for Design Award, while Emily was among the winners with the Tech Star Award.
The annual not-for-profit ceremony recognises women in East Anglia’s technology sector, raising the profile of their work and highlighting inspiring role models for the next generation.
Emily said: “I am overjoyed to have won such a prestigious award.
“It is so important for women to realise that the tech industry isn’t only for men – I would love to see more women developers join the trade in the future as there are so many exciting opportunities out there.
“I am incredibly grateful for the award and would like to share it with my team – I wouldn’t be where I am today without them.”
This is the second year in a row both Larissa and Emily have been shortlisted for the awards, having previously impressed judges with their talent and flair.
Larissa added: “Just to be nominated for a second year running was such an honour. It is an amazing feeling knowing people recognise your hard work.
“I have been taught and worked alongside women throughout my career and know full well just how important a role we play in this industry.
“I am delighted for Emily and our entire team, and know we share these successes together.”
Alex Pattenden, Managing Director at Unity Online, said: “All of us here at Unity are incredibly proud of Larissa and Emily for making it to the finals of this year’s awards.
“Every day they come to work beaming with enthusiasm and really get stuck in, helping both their colleagues and their clients in any way they can. Having their talents recognised for two years running is the least they deserve for their incredible work.
“We are a team here at Unity and it is people like Larissa and Emily that makes us who we are.”
For information about careers at Unity Online visit
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