Building a more diverse tech industry
8/03/2023 - Unity Online

The digital world is working towards creating a more diverse and inclusive industry – and in no workplace has that felt more apparent than Unity Online. This International Women’s Day, our Head of Marketing Services Georgina Day, looks at how women in the business are leading the way locally.
We are the fastest growing digital marketing agency in our region. And one of the biggest contributors to this is our staff – a team of incredibly talented individuals who go above and beyond to help our clients grow and unleash their potential online.
But unfortunately we find ourselves in an industry that isn’t renowned for its diversity. Indeed, research by Tech Nation has found just 26% of the nearly three million tech workers in the UK are women. Sadly, that figure is even lower in our region.
At Unity though, we are so proud to say that more than half of the team are women, excelling in, and contributing towards, our diverse tech workforce.
But don’t just take our word for it.
The women in our team are reshaping our industry and leading the charge when it comes to innovation, design and best practice.
That’s why year after year they are among the nominees in the DevelopHER Awards – with the amazing Emily Collier in our Development Team named Tech Star of the Year for 2022 and brilliant Larissa West a finalist in the Eye for Design category.
But they are not the only stars in our team. Throughout each area of the business you will find driven, inspirational and bright women having a meaningful impact. Each one is a leader in their own right and play key roles in making Unity the powerhouse it is today.
And they’re looking to inspire more women to join the trade too. All of us at Unity recognise how both digital marketing and web development have typically been male-dominated industries.
Our aim is to ensure we are leading the way in driving forward positive change.
Making the tech industry a more inclusive place
We want to see more women in these exciting industries. The opportunities for growth are endless and the work you do can help transform lives for the better.
The young women in our team are already standing out as role models for future generations. But as employers, it is our responsibility to attract more women to the industry too.
That’s why we want to see more women join our team. We are always expanding as our client base continues to grow – and many of our available positions are in tech roles.
We are reshaping the industry for the better. And you could be too.
Visit our careers page today to see the exciting opportunities we have on offer. The opportunities for development are endless.
In the words of Sheryl Sandberg, COO at Meta: “The word ‘female’, when inserted in front of something, is always with a note of surprise. Female COO, female pilot, female surgeon — as if the gender implies surprise… One day there won’t be female leaders. There will just be leaders.”
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