Maid2Clean - offering regular domestic assistance to 31 Suffolk postcodes
Contributed by Maid2Clean
8/08/2018 - Maid2Clean
World ‘Clean-up’ Day will take place on 15th September, where volunteers from across the world come together to rid the planet of rubbish. Maid2Clean are very aware that the planet needs this help, so will be supporting this impressive challenge.
World Clean-up Day started 10 years ago in Estonia, when 4% of the population came out to clean the entire country of illegally dumped waste in a matter of hours. This captured the imaginations of people worldwide, who were inspired to follow suit with the same ambitious ‘one country, one day’ formula.
The powerful wave of clean-ups will start in New Zealand and end 36 hours later in Hawaii, with millions of people working towards one goal: a clean and healthy planet.
So, wherever you are on Saturday 15th September, will you do your bit? If you take the dog for a walk, take a bag to collect rubbish. Going to the beach? see how many plastic items you can retrieve! wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, you can help.
Maid2Clean may take the hard work out of housework – but we all need to help keep the planet clean. Visit their website for more information.
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