Hadleigh Business Centre awarded grant for energy efficiency measures
1/05/2018 - BEE Anglia

Hadleigh Business Centre lease office space to mostly startup businesses. They have recently been awarded grant funding from the Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia project for LED lighting throughout their building.
Following an independent energy audit, Hadleigh Business Centre successfully applied for a grant of £1,055. The energy savings gained by implementing this project will amount to 3.3 CO2e per year, plus cost savings of £760. This will support future growth within their business, while working to protect our environment in line with their environmental policy.
“We’ve replaced all our old tube lighting, with the wonderful new LED lighting in all our Serviced Offices. It looks so much better, it’s much more gentle on the eyes and of course, more energy efficient, so its win, win all round! A BIG thank you from all at the Hadleigh Business Centre to BEE Anglia, without you this would have not been possible!” – Gina McCririck, Hadleigh Business Centre
“I am delighted that we have been able to support Hadleigh Business Centre to enhance their sustainability – both economically and environmentally via this scheme. The Business Energy Efficiency Anglia project offers all businesses the independent assurance that these savings will really be achieved.” – Cllr. Matthew Hicks, Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection, Suffolk County Council
Grant funding is just one of the three core offers that the BEE Anglia project has available to help businesses reduce carbon and save money. Businesses interested in any aspect of this service can find out more and register online (www.beeanglia.org) or call Groundwork on 01473 350370. Dedicated advisors will be able to answer any queries about eligibility for the programme or potential grant projects.
The Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is being delivered across the region through a partnership of Suffolk County Council, Norfolk County Council, Groundwork and NWES.
Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia have, to date, awarded £270k in grant funding for various energy efficiency projects including radiant heating, vehicle tracking, wood burners and lighting. These grants have contributed to energy efficiency projects worth a total of £1m. The scope for grant funding has been widened to enable ANY energy efficiency measure to be considered. Approval will be based on being able to demonstrate sufficient associated energy savings.
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