Suffolk Medical Manufacturer uses grant to cut energy costs
12/12/2017 - BEE Anglia

Plinth Medical, a manufacturing firm based in Eye with 40 years experience in providing medical patient furniture, has recently been awarded grant funding from the Business Energy Efficiency (BEE) Anglia project to upgrade the lighting in their new premises to LED.
Following an independent energy audit, Plinth Medical were awarded a grant of £4,500. The energy savings gained by implementing this project will amount to 13.2 CO2e per year, plus cost savings of £2,400. This will support future growth within their business, while working to protect our environment in line with their environmental policy.
Niall Dyer, Managing Director at Plinth Medical, said: “Our new site needed a complete renovation, BEE Anglia were extremely helpful with energy saving advice and recommending grant funding for LED Lighting. We’ve seen a significant difference in quality of light and expect to see a substantial reduction in our running costs.”
Cllr. Matthew Hicks, Cabinet Member for Environment and Public Protection, Suffolk County Council, added: “I am delighted that we have been able to support Plinth Medical Ltd to enhance their sustainability – both economically and environmentally via this scheme. The Business Energy Efficiency Anglia project offers all businesses the independent assurance that these savings will really be achieved.”
The BEE Anglia project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and is being delivered across the region through a partnership of Suffolk County Council, Norfolk County Council, Groundwork and NWES. The project has three core offers that have been designed to help businesses reduce carbon and save money using independent advice, funding and recognition for their efforts.
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