The Cadogan Hotel is exemplar of low carbon management
14/09/2017 - BEE Anglia

The Cadogan Hotel in Newmarket is a family run business occupying an 1800’s building. The management team continually seek to make energy reductions and have recently overseen the replacement of the hotel’s boiler and an LED lighting project.
BEE Anglia suggested the installation of Thermostatic Radiator valves and Optimum start controls to reduce gas consumption for heating.
Since receiving the BEE Anglia Report, The Cadogan has been awarded Gold Level of the Carbon Charter, making them an exemplar of low carbon management.
Julie Reed, of The Cadogan Hotel says “The BEE Anglia Adviser suggested lots of things that we could do to improve our energy efficiency in the Hotel. The measures suggested were easy to implement, including changing the size of the kettles in the rooms to smaller ones as they use less power”.
BEE offers support to thousands of businesses across the region, conducting free, impartial and independent energy reviews to map the current energy spend and make tailored recommendations for improvement. BEE has a limited pot of European funding to support participating businesses to implement energy efficiency measures. You can help your business stand out from the crowd with the Carbon Charter – a fully funded BEE project. Accreditation also brings membership to the active Carbon Charter network, with extensive opportunities for sharing best practice and developing business contacts.
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