Ufford Park’s ‘Donate Whilst You Stay’ campaign raises over £2000
9/05/2018 - St Elizabeth Hospice

Ufford Park Woodbridge Hotel, Golf and Spa has raised £2,100 as part of its Donate Whilst You Stay campaign. The Donate Whilst You Stay campaign has been implemented with great success by the hotel for the last ten years.
Guests are encouraged to add a £1 donation to their bill upon check out and the money raised is evenly distributed to the hotel’s three chosen charities; East Anglian Air Ambulance, St Elizabeth Hospice and Age UK. Ufford Park added a small donation to the total amount raised and each charity was presented with a cheque for £700 on Tuesday 24 April 2018.
Commenting on the recent donation, Ufford Park’s Managing Director, Tarnia Robertson, said, “We are so pleased to be able to present these cheques to such deserving causes. The Donate Whilst You Stay campaign has been a huge success, our guests are happy to add £1 to their bill to help our preferred charities. It is important to us as a business to be able to give something back to charities that make a difference to our local community. All three of our chosen charities deliver an essential service to the Suffolk area and we are proud to be able to contribute towards the great work that they do by being a regular donor to their causes.
For more on Ufford Park visit their website
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