In recognition of International Stress Awareness Week (7th to 11th November), Suffolk housebuilder David Wilson Homes has donated a collection of books to Woolpit Primary Academy in Woolpit.

The donation included 12 books by Usborne Publishing, which aims to support children’s mental health.

International Stress Awareness Week, founded by The International Stress Management Association, is a major annual event focusing on stress management and campaigning against the stigma associated with stress and mental health issues.

Titles such as ‘The Unworry Book’ by Alice James, ‘All About Feelings’ by Felicity Brooks and ‘Social Media Survival Guide’ by Holly Bathie were among the books donated.

Many of the books include interactive features to help the children express their feelings and relieve anxiety.

The school – located near the housebuilder’s Abbots Green development off Old Stowmarket Road – was delighted to receive the donation to promote positivity and encourage children to be more open about their mental health.

Mrs Clayton, Headteacher at Woolpit Primary Academy, said: “We are pleased to have been gifted these books for our school.

“We prioritise mental health and wellbeing for all of our children through our curriculum and culture so they were very welcomed.”

Annette Hurst, Sales Director at David Wilson Homes Eastern Counties, said: “We hope that by donating books by a range of authors, children will be encouraged to consider their own mental health, and also the health of their peers in the playground and in everyday life.

“Mental health awareness is such an important initiative, and we relish the opportunity to reach out to schools within our community and provide support for such a deserving cause.”

To find out more about the new homes available at Abbots Green, visit the website or call the sales team on 033 3355 8489.

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