Is your business planning to mark Suffolk Day on 21 June?
4/05/2018 - St Elizabeth Hospice

Is your business planning to mark Suffolk Day on 21 June? St Elizabeth Hospice will be getting involved by hosting its own Suffolk Day event this year, Suffolk Remembers. It’s also looking for support from Suffolk businesses who are using the day to celebrate the work that goes on in the county.
Jazmin Peach, corporate fundraiser at St Elizabeth Hospice, said: “Last year we received some fantastic support and one of the most notable was the team from Ipswich Building Society which cycled round to all of their branches on Suffolk Day and raised money for us at the same time. It was a difficult challenge for them but they did and raised a fantastic amount of money for us in sponsorship at the same time.
“This year we’d love for other organisations to get behind Suffolk Day and support our work in the local community. You could organise an event in your business with or without a Suffolk twist with activities including a dress down day, raffle, sweepstake, a sponsored activity or bake sale or perhaps you could donate a percentage of your takings for that day. The options are endless but you’ll know that every penny you raise locally, stays in the area so that we can continue to care for local people who need us.”
Each year, St Elizabeth Hospice needs to generate £10.5million pounds each year so they can continue to offer their services to the people of Suffolk free of charge.
To find out more about the work of St Elizabeth Hospice visit the website. To find out more about supporting the charity on Suffolk Day email the team via or call 01473 723600.
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