Suffolk charity searches for its very own DIY SOS heroes
31/08/2022 - Fresh Start New Beginnings

Suffolk children’s charity Fresh Start new beginnings (FSnb) is issuing a rallying cry for some DIY experts to help them create their new HQ.
The charity, which provides therapeutic services to children who have been victims of sexual abuse, has found a new home after having to vacate their premises which have been put up for sale.
After a long process of searching, the ideal location has been found in Ipswich. With the perfect size and location, it is well suited to the charity’s needs, providing space for administrative offices and therapeutic rooms, but building work is needed to reconfigure the layout, as well as some basic decorating to give the building a fresh and welcoming look and feel.
The charity has secured a budget for the materials but they are now looking for local tradespeople that would be willing to give up their time to take down and erect some stud walls, and to help with overall decorating and refurbishments.
FSnb Managing Director Patsy Johnson-Cisse explains; “This is a really exciting time for us as we relocate our home and therapy centre, at the same time as we continue to grow our team.
“We’ve managed to find a building that we can afford and that suits our specific needs, we now just need some help from a friendly expert in the area that can help us turn it into the perfect space for running the charity and supporting our young children and their families.
“We’re not asking for financial help with this, we’ve pulled together the money we need for materials, we now just need someone’s time and expertise to take on this challenge and make the building our home. Whether it’s a local builder or tradesperson or perhaps someone who has retired from the job – we would be so grateful for their help.
“We help around 200 children across Suffolk and Norfolk a year, supporting them to rebuild their futures. We have an ever-growing waiting list, and with a bit of help from someone in our community in making good our new HQ, they can directly help the children we work with.”
Anyone interested in helping the charity is asked to contact Patsy at FSNB on 078142 07748 or
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