Local nurse uses artist talent to raise money to help her patients
22/05/2018 - St Elizabeth Hospice

Sarah Edwards works as a nurse on St Elizabeth Hospice’s in-patient unit in Ipswich and sees the important work that the hospice does to help local people every time she’s on shift.
Recently, she has combined her passion for art and the love of her day job to help raise money for the local charity.
Sarah said: “I’ve always loved art and really enjoy creating images of animals in particular. I saw someone create a collage once and thought ‘I can do that’ and I’ve been working on these ever since. I love working with pieces of paper to create these images and have a unique trait of popping a stamp in each piece I create.
“It’s a hobby of mine that’s now really taken off and I’m so pleased that I’m able to help the hospice through the sale of my work and raise much needed funds which can be used to help care for the patients I work with.”
Artwork created by Ms Edwards is on display at the hospice and those interested in purchasing one of her pieces can pick up an order form at the hospice reception on Foxhall Road. Artwork will also be on display at Felixstowe branch of TSB in Hamilton Road and order forms can also be collected here too.
25% of the sale of each item goes directly to the hospice to support its work in the local community.
For more information on St Elizabeth Hospice, visit their website or call 01473 727776.
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