Emotional gatherings mark Baby Loss Awareness week as families unite to remember
17/10/2023 - EACH (East Anglia Children's Hospice's)

During Baby Loss Awareness Week, families came together in poignant gatherings to remember their lost babies. East Anglia’s Children’s Hospices (EACH) organised a reflective event at The Nook.
Parents and children created window crystal suncatchers in memory of their babies and adorned the hospice grounds with blue and pink ribbons on the trees. They were provided with bags containing a candle, a snowdrop bulb, and a poem to take home.
EACH Child and Family Worker Rachel Cowles noted, “Families enjoyed the activities and the opportunity to talk and be together. Baby loss is something many of us will have in common, whether from personal experience or through families, friends or colleagues.”
The gathering took place on Sunday, October 8th, kicking off the 21st annual Baby Loss Awareness Week, which extended until Sunday, October 15th. On the latter date, families had the option to participate in a virtual Wave of Light candlelit ceremony, aligning with the global Wave of Light initiative.
This honours babies who died during pregnancy, childbirth or infancy,” added Rachel. “It serves as a global moment of remembrance for families and individuals who have experienced the loss of a child. “Families across the world unite together by lighting a candle and leaving it burning for at least an hour to remember all babies that have died too soon.”
Read more articles about EACH and the work they do here.
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