Christies Care rallies for fundraiser in memory of Christies Carer, Susan Atkinson
6/02/2020 - Christies Care

Christies Care, one of the largest providers of live in care in the UK, is supporting the British Heart Foundation this Valentine’s Day.
The day’s fundraising is in honour of the carer Susan Atkinson who sadly passed away last year from undiagnosed heart disease.
The fundraising will include: A red & pink fancy dress – red is the colour of the British Heart Foundation and pink was Susan’s favourite colour. A Fit Bit Challenge for the week. A healthy(ish) bake sale with food provided by Christies Care colleagues, Lis & Kate and a raffle with prizes donated by staff.
Kate Cain at Christies Care, explains: “Heart disease is a very real risk for many of us and so we’ve put together a day of activities where we can have some fun whilst raising valuable funds, and at the same time raising awareness about what we can all do to help ourselves and each other.”
You can support Christies Care by donating to their JustGiving page here
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