Christie’s Care pitch up at Sax Music Festival 2018

Christie’s Care pitch up at Sax Music Festival 2018

Not only is Christies Care sponsoring the Sax Music Festival, which takes place on the 27th and 28th of July at Saxmundham Free School, they’re also pitching a marquee on site and inviting those who need a break to pop in and say hello.  Attendees can take some respite from the predicted glaring sunshine and enjoy a free cup of tea or coffee with the team and generally hang out and relax in a safe, welcoming place.

“We’re so proud to be involved with Sax Music Fest,” says Christies Care’s Director Lin Barnes. “It’s one of the highlights of the local events calendar.  We’re delighted to be sponsors and we’ve decided to provide festival goers with a safe place to chill out in our specially designed marquee.  All are welcome, we’re also specially equipped to support vulnerable adults, older people and those with a disability.  Hot drinks and water will be on hand, and we’ve set up what we call a “privacy area”, which is tucked away from the hustle and bustle.  It’s such a friendly, inclusive festival, but for some people large crowds can be overwhelming, which is why we’re there, to support people and help them enjoy their day. So don’t be afraid to come over and say hi!”

Members of the Christies Care team, led by Sarah Rampling who is the Learning Disabilities Co-ordinator, will be at the marquee to chat with and support festival goers, and will also have information on the live-in care services they provide.

“After all, our company is dedicated to caring for people, so it’s great to get out there and show people what we do.”

Christies Care provide 24/7 live-in care throughout the UK. Find out more here.

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