Christies Care hosts Community Day to combat loneliness in older people
11/04/2018 - Christies Care

As part of their Community Day, Christies Care the national live-in care provider, headquartered in Saxmundham, is organising afternoon tea and activities for older people to combat loneliness and isolation, on Friday 20th April between 12pm and 3pm at Trinity Park in Ipswich.
The Afternoon Tea, starts at noon, and includes musical entertainment from Saxmundham Free School and Baricade – a duo who sings 40’s songs. In addition, Suffolk New College students will be in attendance offering free hand and arm massages, nail painting, foot and leg messages and scalp massages.
The event is completely free to attend, although advance booking is essential. It is being held alongside activities and a special circus performance for people with learning disabilities.
Lin Barnes, Director at Christies Care, explains: “As live-in home carers, we see older people feeling cut off and isolated a lot. Through this event, we hope to create an environment that is welcoming, entertaining and filled with joy and good company. We’re very grateful to Trinity Park for providing their facilities free of charge in support of this event.”
For further information on this event, contact Christies Care on 01728 605127. You can also book tickets by emailing
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