More than 1,000 people signed up to Midnight Walk

More than 1,000 people signed up to Midnight Walk

Over 1,000 people have taken advantage of an early bird offer to join St Elizabeth Hospice’s flagship event, the Midnight Walk, takes place in Ipswich on Saturday 12 May.

The Midnight Walk early bird offer has been extended to midnight on Sunday 4 February and anyone who hasn’t signed up and wants to can still join in for £10. After this time, remaining tickets will rise to £15 each. This year there is a new neon and sparkle theme for participants to play with.

This year the event will begin and end at Trinity Park and both the six and ten mile routes will include a visit to the hospice to give people the opportunity to leave a message on the memory tree. There will also be a host of entertainment on the night to warm people up for the walk and everyone who completes their chosen route will be rewarded with a medal as they cross the finish line.

Becky Jedrzejewski, events and challenges fundraiser at St Elizabeth Hospice, said: “We’ve been overwhelmed by the amount of people who have signed up to the event to support the hospice and it’s looking like we’re going to have a great crowd on the night. Thank you to everyone who has already signed up to join us but, in case you missed the chance to book your place for just £10, we’re going to extend our early bird offer until the end of the weekend so as many people as possible can make the saving.”

To take advantage of the extended early bird offer, visit

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