Suffolk businesses given the tools to fight the war on talent
Contributed by Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
1/03/2018 - Suffolk Chamber of Commerce
The Suffolk Chamber has backed plans by London Stansted to further expand the number of flights into and out of the airport.
Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has written to Uttlesford District Council in support of the planning application by London Stansted Airport to increase its passenger cap from 35m to 43m passengers a year.
MAG, the owners of London Stansted, believes that its plans will allow the airport to make best use of the current single runway, within the existing flight limits and agreed noise footprint by:
In his letter to the Council, Suffolk Chamber’s chief executive, John Dugmore said “in our recently launched Manifesto for Business, we set out our key campaigning themes aimed at ensuring Suffolk makes its maximum contribution to the national economy.
“One of these themes – that of improving access to all markets for Suffolk-based businesses, would be well supported by the proposed increase in passenger numbers at Stansted.
“This would assist Suffolk businesses in expanding their reach both by offering more choice to businesspeople looking to travel abroad to open up new export markets and in offering additional opportunities to the hospitality and tourism sectors, especially in the west of our county.”
Suffolk Chamber’s letter goes on to say that the continued growth and success of London Stansted is, therefore, important to its members and the wider Suffolk business community, not just in meeting demand for air travel and global connectivity but also as a major employer and export gateway.
John Dugmore concludes that “it is crucial that London Stansted is allowed to continue to grow in a sustainable way in order to allow people, goods and services to enter and exit the country safely and efficiently. In doing so I would note that, importantly, the airport does not seek to grow out of its current environmental limits.
I would ask that you register this letter as a formal submission in support of the application.”
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