Scrutton Bland Welcomes Paul Harris, Private Client Tax Partner, to Expand Team and Expertise
Contributed by Scrutton Bland
29/07/2019 - Scrutton Bland
Scrutton Bland LLP has strengthened its HR team with a new hire. Caroline Cotterell has taken up the role of HR Director in mid-July.
This new Director-level appointment is the third senior role in 18 months for the expanding Financial Services Group. With over nineteen years of operational and strategic HR experience, ranging from managing complex projects to overseeing change management programmes, Caroline will lead Scrutton Bland’s HR function which works with employees over four sites across Suffolk, Essex, Norfolk and Cambridge. Caroline has experience of working with both private and public sector organisations such as the Essex County Fire and Rescue Service and Care UK.
The firm, based in the East of England, is currently undergoing an ambitious period of growth, increasing the number of staff it employs and investing in new service offerings, according to Managing Partner Jason Fayers, this looks set to continue:
“In our hundredth year we are continuing to build on our legacy of exceptional client service and to expand and evolve the services we offer to our clients. Appointing Caroline into the new role of HR Director will enable us to give our support to our teams with training and development as well as getting us ‘future fit’ as we continue to grow our business.”
Over the last few months the firm has been focusing on developing staff wellbeing and personal development programmes, and has also set up a Community Interest Company, which is run by staff who have responsibility over the fundraising and volunteering days which employees are entitled to take, and to direct where any fundraising is given within the local communities.
Speaking about her appointment Caroline said “It is a really exciting time to be joining Scrutton Bland. The firm has a reputation for being forward thinking and having a great staff retention rate, which from a human resources point of view provides some excellent opportunities particularly around people and skills development.”
For more information on Scrutton Bland please visit their website.
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