Canine Creche group has standards to make your tail wag!
3/01/2019 - Canine Creche UK

The Canine Creche has received further acclaim following their recent inspections from Environmental Health Licensing under the new animal regulations which all animal businesses need to abide by.
The new regulations have been developed over recent years and the Groups MD Candace Rose has been instrumental during the consultation period. As the organisation who cares for more dogs than any other across the UK in their company owned and franchised sites in Martlesham, Bury St Edmunds, Ipswich, Lowestoft, Needham Market & Harpenden.
The Animal Activities Licensing (AAL) regulations came into force 1 October 2018. They replace several different pieces of animal establishment regulations, they bring animal licensing and legislation into the 21st Century and will help to drive animal care standards.
DEFRA have issued guidance on how businesses should be inspected and subsequently scored, which is akin to food hygiene scores and has a maximum of FIVE as a score for the businesses which are attaining the very highest echelons of standards.
Rose commented “Across the Group we welcome this legislation as it will ensure that all animal facilities and people that care for animals (including home boarders) will need to ensure they comply with regulations which will enhance the care and service levels for everyone’s pets. This industry had legislation which was completely outdated and draconian, it needed a complete overhaul.”
“It has been set up to reward the companies that offer the best standards with high scores (which are listed publically with each local government office). Animal numbers are strictly limited with ratios and space being considered as well as engagement, standards, processes, training and qualifications for staff, monitoring and reporting for all dogs.”
Animal owners are encouraged to familiarise themselves with the new regulations and scoring systems, check with their local environmental office to verify that their animal carer is correctly licensed and ensure that the independent assessor has scored them to a level they find satisfactory.
Rose stated “I am delighted to announce that the Suffolk sites have all had their inspections and scoring concluded and EVERY site has scored the maximum of FIVE, this surpasses early industry results and really ensures that the pooches in Suffolk are getting the highest levels of care.
For further information on the services offered contact CCG on 01473 636151.
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