All pooped out!
26/06/2019 - Canine Creche UK

Local business Lowestoft Canine Creche, owned by local gal Donna Gilmour-White (the ex-paramedic), has shown their commitment to the community by sponsoring dog waste bag dispensers, ensuring that dog waste is correctly handled and to encourage people to pick up after their pooches.
Gilmour-White commented “People would be quick to complain if dog waste was not picked up by the owners and correctly disposed of, however it is important to ensure that the facilities to do so are readily available.”
The new dog waste bag dispensers can be found in the grounds of Kensington gardens located along the Lowestoft seafront at NR33 0HY . Donna has worked in collaboration with Sally Breakspear who is part of the ‘Friends of Kensington Gardens’ to supply dog owners with the means to clear up after their dogs.
The bags have the Lowestoft Canine Creche logo and should anyone feel that there are any other area’s greatly under-provisioned, please do communicate this to Donna who will tackle the issue with Sally and the local council.
Lowestoft Canine Creche opened their doors last year in late August and are now approaching their first anniversary, we are assured a Paw-ty will be on the cards to celebrate as the local business has surpassed business expectations and is thriving.
Gilmour-White said “When we opened we had many conversations about the economics of this area, the regeneration is exciting, but would local lowestoftonians embrace the service?”
“It seems like the canine industry transcends economics, it is about owners providing the best possible level of care for their pooches, cost is a consideration, but we do try to ensure they get great value built into the service, being a county of dog lovers has certainly helped!”
At Creche they host many different themed weeks, it ensures that they keep activities fresh and interesting for the pooches much the same as children would not be expected to attend school or nursery and do the same things day in and day out, they apply the same principles for the dogs.
Themed weeks, create engagement and pique interest, last week they had paw painting for fathers day, and have some great events coming up including a Festival Themed Week to align with Latitude – Woofstock and some tennis themed weeks for Wimbledon.
To find out more about Lowestoft Canine Creche, or to speak about any concerns you have regarding the provision of dog bins Tel: 01502 561700 or
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