Paws for thought before you put your dog at risk this Christmas
12/11/2018 - Canine Creche UK

As Candace Rose, MD of The Canine Creche Group tells us, Christmas offers many hazards for new puppies and old dogs alike. Toxic tree baubles, tinsel and wrapping paper can all cause serious issues for our faithful friends, and we need to be vigilant.
With the run up to Christmas gaining pace, we’ll soon be getting our decorations from the loft, putting up the tree, and stockpiling all our food and drink ready for the holiday season, which means our houses suddenly become exciting and unusual for our pets.
Whilst we may be able to tell our children not to nose around those extra supplies and surprises, our dogs will take no such heed. So it’s important to be aware of things that can harm our beloved pooches, and take care to ensure we protect our dogs from danger. It’s time to ask ourselves that all important question… is your Christmas pet safe?
Festive food
Chocolate and Christmas go hand in hand, and that can mean paw and mouth too. So whilst you might be vigilant and careful to store chocolate out of reach, it’s easy to have a blind spot when it comes to gifts placed lovingly under trees.
You might not be aware that your lovely colleague has bought you a box of chocolates, but Fido’s nose already has it figured out, and won’t take long to tear through the wrapping to reach his prize. We often find chocolate wrappers in dog poops at Christmas, and it can be concerning to wonder what else they may have digested.
Raisins, grapes, currants and sultanas aren’t good for your dog either, so keep those mince pies out of reach. Bowls of macadamia nuts can cause pooch to become sleepy, dull, and wobbly on their paws.
Slipping a turkey or goose carcass under the table may seem like a nice treat (and distraction) for your pet, but it’s best to avoid. After all, cooked bones can easily splinter, and that could mean an emergency trip to the vet during the Queen’s speech. Place them in the refuse and avoid the risk.
Poinsettia, holly and mistletoe all add that festive touch to our houses, but to a dog, these can look an awful lot like prizes to be devoured. This can lead to vomiting, pain and sickness.
The Kennel Club have a comprehensive list of poisons under their health section on their website, which is a great source of information if in any doubt.
Of course, specially designed doggie treats are popular for Christmas and all of our facilities have a range of exciting gifts for Fido, with Paw-Ding Biscuits, Turkey Tuffy Toys, Penguin softies and even lovely festive collars! Keep it safe, and fill those doggie stockings with reputable, quality goodies.
To find out more, email or call on Tel: 01473 636151 and speak with the team.
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