Christmas Santa run for Children’s Charity

Christmas Santa run for Children’s Charity

Local children’s charity, EACH (East Anglia’s Children’s Hospice’s) are hoping hundreds of Santa’s will descend on the Suffolk Business Park in Bury St. Edmund’s on 6th December to raise much needed funds for the charity.

The event is a great way to kick-off Christmas festivities, with the opportunity for family, friends or colleagues to get together and run or walk the route.

EACH, whose Patron is the Duchess of Cambridge, supports families and care for children and young people with life-threatening conditions across East Anglia.

Registration opens from 12:30 on Thursday, 6th December, with the run starting at 1.00pm from the Audi showroom. Entry is £15.00 for adults, which includes a Santa suit, medal, bottle of water and mince pie or £12.00 if you prefer to wear your own Christmas fancy dress.

To sign up online visit

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