Busy summer lies ahead for Student Life.

Busy summer lies ahead for Student Life.

“It is proving to be a very busy summer already, with lots of plans for the holiday months, as well as the first term back in September” said Mental Health Project Co-ordinator Pippa. Next week Student Life will be attending East Suffolk Council’s health and wellbeing road show in Framlingham, Felixstowe and Kesgrave to showcase their work. They are preparing a number of different projects to be launched in September when the schools return, and looking forward to more face to face contact with schools and partners.

“We are preparing for the launch of our RSHE project (Relationship, Sex & Health Education) in September, putting the final pieces together. We will soon be gathering feedback from our young people, before we roll out. It is fantastic to see the project in it’s very final stages, with a lot of hard work coming to life and I am confident it is a unique, invaluable project for young people” Pippa continued.

“Over the summer we will be working hard on a new transition project, with steering groups beginning in September” said Pippa. “The project aims to ease the transition from primary school to secondary school using the experiences of those in year 7 and by looking at the concerns that those in year 6 have about moving forward. It is great that Student Life are expanding their work to begin in Primary schools and we hope that this project will provide important support to young people during what can be a very difficult time”.

After also speaking to Student Life’s Mental Health Development Lead, Heather, she confirmed that projects in the pipeline for Student Life don’t stop there.

“It’s a great time to be developing new informative material handouts whilst the schools are on summer holidays.” Heather said. She confirmed that she was working on several new leaflets detailing the mental health work and other opportunities that happen at Student Life.

Heather also confirmed that they had been working on improving young people’s journey when they sign up to Student Life. “We want it to be the best possible experience for our young people when they sign up to collaborate with us. Whether it’s our magazine, photography or Mental Health Ambassador programme they want to get involved in, it’s important their journey is as smooth and enjoyable as possible.”

To find out more about Student Life’s on-going projects this summer, please email info@studentlife.org.uk alternatively visit the Student Life website.

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