The Cancer Care Navigator Service has now launched alongside Ipswich and Colchester Hospital

The Cancer Care Navigator Service has now launched alongside Ipswich and Colchester Hospital

There are 3 Cancer Care Navigators based at Ipswich Hospital and 3 at Colchester Hospital, working in partnership with the information and well-being centre and with local GP surgeries to support and empower cancer patients. The team are trained non-medical staff that are working to support people who have been diagnosed with cancer at any stage of their cancer pathway, as well as assisting their friends and family. They are able to do this by offering a range of practical, emotional and financial information and advice.

Cancer may impact certain aspects of your life and the lives of those around you. This is where the navigators can come in to help with a range of needs, including but not limited to; finances, employment, talking to friends and family about cancer, physical activity, emotional support, befriending, support groups, spiritual support, travelling to appointments, support with practical tasks, carer support and complimentary therapy. By meeting cancer patient’s needs, we are hoping to alleviate patient’s worries or concerns and increase quality of life.

The team of navigators have great knowledge of services available within the hospital trust that may be useful to patients. Additionally, the navigators have built up extensive knowledge of services in your local area, so you can feel confident that they are aware of any relevant services that may be able to support you in the community.

If you would the support, please get in touch with the team either by telephone or email. If you call out of hours, please leave a voicemail and the navigators will get back to you as soon as they can.

Monday – Friday 09:00 – 17:00

Ipswich: 01473 702 125

Colchester: 01206 487288


For more information please visit the Cancer care navigators page via the  NHS website 

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