Thank you Covid-19

Thank you Covid-19

Today we speak to Natasha Hodge at Wide Eyed, who is putting a positive spin on the Covid-19 pandemic….

“I believe the daily onslaught of negativity should be counterbalanced by positive action, and looking at what we can learn from its impact on society. One of the positives which needs to be highlighted is the strength and ability of our medical staff.  Our spirits were lifted every Thursday evening, when people stood out on their streets and clapped for the heroes of the NHS.

“This promoted acts of kindness and the attitude that ‘we’re all in this together’ particularly helped people through this stressful period.  Despite the mass panic of loo-roll buying and the rush to purchase hand gel, we were fortunate enough to lighten the mood with our unique British sense of humour via social media.

“We can now appreciate the little things in life rather than racing to keep up with the Jones’ and the materialism of 21st century life. The importance of social activities with friends, family and colleagues has been enhanced with enforced separation; how lovely it will be when we can all hug each other again.

“Another positive is the promotion of health and fitness, as exercise became a welcome relief in lockdown, as people had more time to focus on it. The length of the lockdown period meant exercise became a habit, plus it helped people to cope with the stress of the rapid changes and combat mental health issues.

“Studies of Covid-19 have shown that we need to pay careful attention to how our blood sugar effects our immune system. This will save thousands of people from future ill health from other diseases.

“Again, due to studies carried out during the pandemic, doctors and patients will now understand and implement the importance of vitamin D in everyday health.

“Obesity and weight gain have been implicated in the severity of Covid-19 and as a root cause for ill health in general, leading to individuals to seek change.

“If we can turn the nations health around, it will impact all aspects of society, including our overworked NHS.

“I’m grateful to Covid-19 for helping me focus on what’s really important, being a positive wake-up call for physical and mental health.

“It should be reassuring that we can learn from and make permanent changes to our attitude to fellow human beings and to our bodies that will mean we can consign this period to history.”

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