Monthind’s Hybrid Journey to Greener Travel
18/07/2018 - Monthind Clean

Monthind Clean LLP has recently announced its commitment to greener travel, with a long-term investment in a fleet of ‘green’ vehicles. These vehicles will replace the current fleet of conventionally powered cars and have already delivered significant saving on emissions, according to Andy Flatman, the company’s Business Services Manager for EQMS & IT.
“Over the last year, charging our plug-in hybrid vehicle fleet at head office has saved over 740kg of CO2 emissions. That’s the equivalent of making 10,500 cups of tea or driving 2250 miles in a standard petrol car, or spending 150 hours in the average electric shower!”
Monthind’s commitment to sustainable travel extends to further everyday policies such as:
- Encouraging staff to walk, cycle, car share or use public transport to attend meetings, site visits etc
- Encouraging staff to use alternatives such as video conferencing where possible to avoid unnecessary physically travelling
- Providing home based working solutions to reduce the need for staff to travel
How Green & How Far?
Is Monthind’s Green Fleet really better for climate change than conventional cars? The short answer is yes. Despite the use of fossil fuels in electricity production, the UK met targets to generate 50% of its power from low carbon sources more than 18 months ago. And, as low carbon energy generation continues to increase, the emissions from Monthind’s Green Fleet will continue to fall.
Can hybrid vehicles cope with the travel demands of business? Whilst the staying power of the most recent top-end electric cars can run for over 330 miles before needing a plug socket, the mass market electric car has a top-end range of closer to 180 miles on a single charge. However, as an East Anglian cleaning company, Monthind mapped out a journey taking in the full length of the region – Grays in South Essex to Cromer in North Norfolk and at around 140 miles, the Green Fleet’s hybrid power is more than enough to allow the Monthind team to make it to the beach, with electricity to spare!
For further information, please visit Monthind Cleaning LLP
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