How to inspire and motivate your team
22/01/2018 - Jann Richardson

January can be a time where your employees’ motivation might need a little boost. If you’re keen to create a more productive team with people who will stick with you and grow then read on. Jann Richardson, personal and professional coach, shares her top tips on how to motivate your team.
Communicate – Listen to their ideas, attitudes and concerns. Try and resolve their issues, and use what they’re saying to improve the way your company operates.
Share your vision – Don’t just tell them the company vision, show them how it will lead them to prosperity and success. Keep reminding your staff about the glory of reaching that powerful vision, and they’ll be motivated.
Support new ideas – Give people a chance to take the initiative, even if it’s just an ideas box in the staff room. Having an audience for their ideas will empower your team no end.
Make them feel appreciated – Everyone needs to feel appreciated. Appreciation can be a greater reward than money. So spread yours freely, and you’ll reap the rewards of a more motivated staff.
Challenge your team – People can’t grow if they are constantly doing what they’ve always done. Throw them challenging but reachable goals that will allow them to develop new skills.
Value their strengths – Everyone has strengths and weaknesses. One person may be amazing at public speaking, whilst another is skilled at writing. Learn what strengths your staff have, and give them a chance to show them off. They’ll be more confident and motivated in their activities.
Empower your team members – Often, people just need a little encouragement to believe in themselves and realise they have greater potential within. Always show your confidence in the unique abilities and potential of your team members.
Be supportive – Even the most self-disciplined and creative people need your guidance. Support them as much as you can, and they’ll be inspired to do the same for you and your business.
Jann Richardson is a business and life coach based in Southwold.
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